On the second day in town, we decided to jog around the island and check things out. 8.3 miles and a brush with hypothermia later, we realized we preferred the indoors. On the third day in town, we made the wise decision to rent a car and see the island from an enclosed space. On the fourth day, we mostly gave up and decided to cut our losses. We're hoping on a ferry in a few hours to head to Athens and then fly to Rome. We both had plane tickets out of Crete but we wouldn't be able to get to Crete for days, we'd be stuck in a tiny hotel room with nothing to do for those days, and once we got to Crete, it'd still be raining. THIS STORM IS RIDICULOUS.
That being said, Santorini has still been fantastic. First of all, we're staying at this little hotel owned by George and Stella. George and Stella are our sunshine when there is none to be found outside. They have taken care of our every need. From tea in the morning to rides from the airport and to the ferry to arranging our car rental, they have made sure that our every need is attended to. We love George and Stella. Their hotel is SO CLEAN too. It's heavenly. Also, Santorini is adorable. We've had a really fun time exploring and have just learned to laugh when the sky decides to pelt us with ice cubes at random.
Day 2:
The black sand beach we ran to.
It was incredibly gorgeous.
And we got 10 minutes of partial sun!
We also made a new best friend.
Sand. Cool.
My face is smiling but my head is asking when this dog is going to stop following us.
So loyal.
You maybe can't tell from this picture but we were drenched by the time we got home. It alternated between raining and hailing the whole way. We were also running uphill. The wind was blowing downhill.
We were very, very hungry after this run.
We hadn't eaten since Athens, so we both ordered pasta and pizza.
It was over-ambitious. This picture was taken after eating all I could.
I've never been so disappointed.
But yeah. Still definitely didn't say no to dessert.
Day 3:
The Greek Orthodox Church to person ratio on this island has to be like 1:1.
They're real pretty.
A village that was built around a castle like a thousand years ago.
People still live there.
It looked this unreal in real life too.
Seriously, these views.
I'm giggling in this picture because the wind blew me over during the first attempt.
There are hot springs on one of those islands.
I would do anything for some hot spring access.
Just a girl and her Smart Car.
Also her socks and stocks.
My tennis shoes still aren't dry from that run.
This is a color picture.
Cool 12th century artifacts from one of the castles.
Crawling around a castle.
Freezing to death.
Trying not to be blown into the rocks.
Generally not succeeding.
Dece view from the castle.
More Santorini cuteness.
Winding village streets.
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