Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food and People, but Definitely Not People Food


So at first, I was like "this is chill." It's basically just rice and spicy things. Both of which are very acceptable to me. They've done a really good job of giving us stuff that doesn't make us sick.

But then I made the mistake of deciding to eat fish. I'm all "It's their culture. It's delicious, blah blah blah."

So at dinner 2 nights ago, they were all "Chicken or Fish?" and I was all "Fish, please and thanks."


I was so proud of myself though. I didn't even cry. There were eyes. Eyes. But I was all, you know, I asked for this, I am going to be a big girl and eat it. I was very proud of my bravery. But then, as I went in for my first bite, the girl sitting next to me was all "OH MY GOSH THAT THING HAS TEETH!" And I threw my fork and immediately started crying.

I haven't really eaten since. I also will not be trying fish again.

On the upside, the girl who scared me half to death is now my roommate! She's fantastic. Don't worry, no replacement for the roommates back at home, but I think we are going to have a really great time together.


Ghanians are all sorts of funny. Like English is their second language and they will pretend to know what you are saying, even when they have no idea. They also don't like to disappoint, which means they lie a lot. Like "Oh, will out new dorm have internet?" "Oh yes internet everywhere! Wi-fi! In your room!" Tell that to the 30 minute sprint I had across campus tonight making it to the internet cafe before it closed.

It's funny. In the U.S. I am really use to trusting people's answers. Like I just take it for fact. And if someone doesn't know the answer, they just tell me they don't know and I find someone who does. I am slowly learning not to rely on the "facts" here. Like there is a cell phone shop in the mall. And the dorms are 3 or 4 roundabouts away from the main gate, not 1. Ect ect. They just really want to keep your spirits high! It's just encouragement, as I've had it described.

But really, these are some of the most fantastic people on earth. As I was tripping through dance class last night, a young man was helping me learn this game that took way too much coordination (your hands had to go in two different directions) and I sarcastically said "I think I'm going to win!" and he said "Oh, of course you are sweetie!!" Though he may have been being a little sarcastic too...

So far the count is up to 1 "I love you" and 1 marriage proposal. And one drunk man at the bar who said "I'm not harassing you, I just want to see you" and I was all "I'M NOT YELLING AT YOU, I JUST WANT TO DRINK MY CHOCOLATE MILK" and then I mumbled some phrase in Twi I learned. It means something like "piss off". Lolz.

1 comment:

  1. "OH MY GOSH THAT THING HAS TEETH!" And I threw my fork and immediately started crying.

    I lol'ed.
