Monday, January 30, 2012


I am trying to write about my weekend in Kumasi, partying with the Ashanti, but bigger things just happened. As in RAIN. Sweet sweet rain. It was such a beautiful sight. I just sat on the wall of my balcony and stared at it. The air is breathable again!

My friend and I were discussing how long we felt cold each day. Having gotten use to the showers, they only feel cold for the first ten seconds tops. Then they just feel luke warm for the rest of the time. We also average like two sodas a day, because they are safe to drink and refrigerated. But it's just so hot here that they only stay cold for like two and half seconds. You literally take one sip and then it's no longer cold.

So that's 15 seconds a day.

I'm afraid I'll forget what cold is. Which is actually pretty fine by me.

It's so beautiful I could cry

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