Dear Sandra,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. No matter how hot the Ghanian air becomes, no matter how many cow feet are tried to be passed off as lunch, no matter how tired the rest of the world is, I know you will always be there for me.
You have gotten me through the most trying times during this transitionary period. I don’t know how I would have done this without discovering you.
You, Sandra, are the queen of the ice cream bars.
When I return to the states I will be petitioning every local grocery store to carry this delicious brand.
Other important discoveries:
My roommate is a fantastic cook. Score.
The first menu I’ve seen with this category! Happy day!
I’m also learning really important non-food related life skills. Like how to braid my hair while upside down. You can have all this too, all you have to do is move to Africa!
love the hair